GCS (Ginius Cyber Security Council) is a Cyber security company that provides several services like web development, digital forensic, graphic designing, digital marketing, etc.
Yes, the certificates are for certain courses which are long-term.
We provide free as well the paid services to our clients. It depends upon the services our customers choose.
Yes, we do provide the courses like CEH, CHFI, Web development, Python, CPP, Graphic designing, Digital marketing, Web penetration testing, etc.
Well, even today the young aspirants aren’t aware of cyber security much and the facilities are not easily in their reach. In order of overcoming their needs, our company facilitates the users to learn, share, interact and grow under the same platform. Here we introduce I-Library and E-Learning platforms to explore.
So, due to the pandemic situation at present, we are giving online services but as the situation gets normal, we may also add offline services as per the requirements.
Yes, we provide internships to our clients as per their domain.
Our company develops self-reliant management system and provide it to our clients.
The internship period is decided as per the domain of interns perhaps, in general, we give the internship of 6 months.
We are planning to launch the CTF’s of different themes, provide Customer Support Services, self-reliant OS. In addition, we are about to start SPA (Service on Problem Analysis).
Yes, we do conduct webinars, seminars for our customers.
We are planning to launch the CTF’s of different themes, provide Customer Support Services, self-reliant OS. In addition, we are about to start SPA (Service on Problem Analysis).
We have provided the separate contact us tab under each section. Our users can also contact us via E-mail provided in the footer.
We do provide books that are not easily available in the market that makes learning easier. In addition to it, we provide the books free of cost.
We have provided the separate Ticket Based System at https://helpdesk.gcscouncil.com/customer/login . You may ask us question category-wise question accordingly
The internship period is decided as per the domain of interns perhaps, in general, we give the internship of 6 months.